Eiffage Construcción develops innovative processes to improve safety, the environment and the comfort of citizens: high-performance products and specific pavement recycling processes.
Our scientific teams work in collaboration with leading schools, universities, institutions and innovative companies to design and build the road of the future.
Eiffage Construcción develops innovative processes to improve safety, the environment and the comfort of citizens: high-performance products and specific pavement recycling processes.
Our scientific teams work in collaboration with leading schools, universities, institutions and innovative companies to design and build the road of the future.
The Eiffage Group has quality control laboratories to guarantee the highest quality of its products.
At Eiffage Construcción we believe that the future lies in the development of new techniques and products that provide answers to the needs detected in the market, within the scope of the construction sector, with the aim of showing a cutting-edge and competitive technology.
To guarantee the maximum quality of all its products, the EIFFAGE Group has 7 Quality Control laboratories located in different parts of Spain, all managed by highly qualified personnel and equipped with the necessary equipment to study raw materials (aggregates, binders and emulsions) as well as bituminous mixtures and concrete in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Materials Directive for CE marking and other current regulations.
At Eiffage Construcción we believe that the future lies in the development of new techniques and products that provide answers to the needs detected in the market, within the scope of the construction sector, with the aim of showing a cutting-edge and competitive technology.
To guarantee the maximum quality of all its products, the EIFFAGE Group has 7 Quality Control laboratories located in different parts of Spain, all managed by highly qualified personnel and equipped with the necessary equipment to study raw materials (aggregates, binders and emulsions) as well as bituminous mixtures and concrete in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Materials Directive for CE marking and other current regulations.

Three of our laboratories give priority to technological support for R&D&I activities.
South Zone
Road: SE-445 pk.25, Utrera (Sevilla)
East Side
Los Tres Santos Area , Abanilla, (Murcia)
Downtown Area
Mir Street s/n, Vicálvaro (Madrid)